"The Fight Underneath the Surface"
Psalms 91: 11 “For he will order his angels to protect you wherever you go” (NLT)
Amidst our ignorance of the massive dangers that lurk about in the shadows of life, our omniscient God is constantly providing us with His protection. He not only looks out for our natural well-being, but for our spiritual well-being as well. I experienced this first hand earlier this week, and my gratitude and appreciation towards God has excelled.
Early Monday afternoon, the fire alarm went off in my office building. My co-workers and I gathered our belongings and casually exited the building as we normally do during a routine fire drill. However, unbeknownst to us during our Exodus, this was not a routine fire drill; this was a serious emergency. What happened? A mini underground explosion had occurred, resulting in the arrival of the fire department, police department, and ambulance. The power was completely knocked out of the building and inhibited our ability work. Until the building was deemed safe we were sent home until further notice.
My co-workers and I were completely unaware of what was going on underneath the surface of our building. It could have resulted in complete chaos, disaster, and loss of life. However, God did not allow it to be so. As I contemplated on what could have been, God began to speak to me.
Many times in life, the enemy of our soul is working underneath the surface in an attempt to destroy us. We don’t see it with our natural eyes, nor do we hear it with our natural ears. However, God sees it all and He knows that the enemy has launched an attack against us so, He releases his angels to fight battles in the spirit realm on our behalf. The prophet Daniel is a prime example of this fact.
Daniel 10:13 records how Satan had hindered Daniel’s prayers for a period of 21 days. Satan had launched an attack against Daniel, and in response, God released his angel Michael to counter-attack. Note, that prior to Daniel seeking the Lord through intense fasting and prayer, he was completely unaware that warfare was taking place in the invisible realm.
Women and men of God, the enemy has launched an attack against you without your knowledge! However, there is no need to fret, because the moment that he released his arsenal, God released a counter-attack. What the enemy has planned to do to you…WILL NOT SUCCEED!
Sleep well my sisters and brothers. Don’t allow anxiety to have place in your life. Rest your mind and be confident that you are protected. He has commanded his angels to protect you wherever you go.
Nuggets of Empowerment,
Sherabim J. Curvin
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